Are you finding yourself experiencing a repeat of symptoms of a root canal infection, such as bad breath, a discolored tooth, and severe oral pain, in the same site that you have already received a treatment of root canal therapy? Unfortunately, while failed root canal procedures are not common, they can still occur to many of us. Each case of root canal infection is unique to the patient, meaning that each requires its own personalized care technique. Sadly, root canal infections can fail for a variety of reasons, but none of them have anything to do with the fault of the patient. When you need treatment for the spaces inside your teeth, be sure to take your needs to only the
best dentist in Wallingford at the offices of Azra Saleem, DDS.
Wallingford Root Canal Infections
Root canal treatments are not a simple procedure, but are in fact a type of oral surgery. For this reason these procedures should not be handled by a general dentist, but a true oral surgery expert. Most dentists are trained only in the treatment of the surface of your teeth, known as the dentin, through care such as fillings for cavities and comprehensive cleanings. A root canal therapy involves endodontics procedures that by creating an incision into the pulp or the nerves inside the tooth. Each case of root canal infection can differ by location and severity of the spread of bacteria, and as such careful planning is vital in the success of root canal therapy. At the
best dentist in Wallingford our endodontics experts utilize the latest technology through a series of digital x-rays that take images of the site of treatment in greater detail than traditional x-rays, and put off 90% less radiation. This allows for more careful planning by insuring that our doctors can see every minute detail of your infected root canal so that every last trace of bacteria can be efficiently eradicated.
When a dentist fails to remove every last trace of infection, this allows the root canal infection to return despite the presence of a dental filling that cannot become infection. Instead of the filling holding bacteria, the remaining bacteria targets the rest of the root canal, and can result in a second root canal therapy treatment. If the infection spreads farther than this a simple root canal therapy can heal, a root end surgery may be necessary. To insure your root canal therapy is done right the first time, be sure to take your oral ache to the
best dentist in Wallingford at the offices of Azra Saleem, DDS. Dr. Saleem has been proudly serving your community for over 15 years, and is specially trained in oral surgery. You can work to insure your root canal therapy is a successful by making your appointment with Azra Saleem, DDS.
By Dr. Azra Saleem
December 28, 2013